I am here to help you-

It starts with you and how you LEAD. 



Communication and Connection is key.. 




so you can attract more of your ideal clients who believe in you, your expertise and the value you provide and increase your income and impact. 







Who you are is how you lead. 



You are here because you want to share your knowledge & expertise, so you can change lives and make a difference that matters- to you and to others.

Being an entrepreneur or course creator makes you a leader, even if you’ve never seen yourself as one, or have zero experience being a leader.

You are a role model to others, your clients and your team (if you have one).

You are the initiator and activator to free other people’s potential so you can become an inspiring leader in your industry.


The leader you love to be and people want to follow.


I know, I have been there. It's frustrating not knowing how to communicate and connect so people listen and understand your message. Or you "freezing" when speaking in front of others, going blank not remembering your words.

The negative self-talk and the uncertainty of what if you make a mistake, what if you're NOT good enough?  

It keeps you spinning your wheels.. and the stress and worry blows your self-esteem  


Now you can turn that around, so you can trust yourself, feel calm and confident speaking with effortless ease, while you inspire people to action.


Becoming the leader you love to be and people want to follow. 


This is The Impactful Communicator.

This LIVE online 8 weeks group coaching program will teach you how to unlock the leader within, so you can..(but not limited to)

⭐ Connect and communicate effectively with effortless ease, being confident and comfortable in your own skin, without having to worry about what other people think

⭐ Create strong relationships of trust, understanding your clients’ needs

⭐ Convey your message clearly so people understand and get interested in what you teach

⭐ Inspire and motivate clients to take action, so they get the results they want

⭐ Increase your income and impact and have a business you are proud of

⭐ Be seen as a respected and influential leader in your industry

⭐ Communicate with confidence and Lead  authentically

I am ready to Impact

The Impactful Communicator  

Speak with confidence and be calm when conveying your message


To be authentic is the only way to communicate effectively,  speak with effortless ease, so you can lead with natural confidence, being YOU.

When you learn how to communicate and lead yourself successfully, you're on your way to more freedom in your business and in your life. That's when the FUN begins and you get the results that you want and inspire people to action.


You become a leader you love to be and people want to follow.

"You come to a point where you do not work for money."

-Walt Disney

"How can a company with 20 employees outperform a company with 1,000 employees?"

- Robert Dilts

"People want to be part of communities with values and beliefs they can identify with and give them purpose"

- Katrine Selvik

""You come to a point where you do not work for money.""

-Walt Disney

""How can a company with 20 employees outperform a company with 1,000 employees?""

- Robert Dilts

""People want to be part of communities with values and beliefs they can identify with and that give them purpose""

- Katrine Selvik


”When you connect in a way that feels natural to you, you communicate with effortless ease”

-Katrine Selvik

The Impactful Communicator

Inspire, motivate & lead with confidence

Speak authentically & freely being you!

⭐ Discover your inner passion, vision and mission as a leader and why this matters

⭐ Break the internal and external communication barriers- holding you back from being the leader people want to follow and you love to be

⭐ Lead with passion, presence and purpose, in ways that feel natural to you, being true to who you are, motivate and inspire people to action

This course is for you, if you're tired of copying how "others" do it...a form that doesn’t fit you..


This is for you who:

✔️.. want to unleash your personal potential and have easy access to all of your resources 

✔️..want to make an impact, improving people's lives 

✔️ .. want to increase your income and create a business you are proud of

✔️.. want to create TEAMS and communities where people want to belong

✔️..want to be resilient and more courageous 

✔️..want more FUN and freedom in your life




Sign up for The Impactful Communicator

These are the 7 stepping stones you need to speak with Confidence and Inspire people to action, being you.

You'll learn a new MODULE every week over the 7 weeks we spend together. You will have access to all the recordings, so you can watch it whenever you want and in "your time". 


Modul 1- Vision, Mission, Ambition

You learn how to find and connect with your vision, mission and ambition. The foundation of personal motivation to successful communication.



Modul 2- External Communication

You learn to master your "outer game". One of the secrets to speak with confidence and influence others.

Modul 3- Internal Communication

I'll show you how to create mental maps ans strategies to mind your mindset and understand your emotions. Learn to master your "inner game" for achieving desired results.

""You come to a point where you do not work for money.""

-Walt Disney

""How can a company with 20 employees outperform a company with 1,000 employees?""

- Robert Dilts

""People want to be part of communities with values and beliefs they can identify with and that give them purpose""

- Katrine Selvik

Modul 4- Values at your Core 

Dive into the unknown and explore the power of your unconscious mind.  Where lasting change take place. Discover the essence of who you really are. 


Modul 5- Beliefs, Barriers and Bridges

I teach you the art of overcoming barriers,  discover and change beliefs at their core. Changing the story of YOU.


Modul 6- The 3 P's to Leadership

I share the secret of a coherent mind and body connection. Master your feelings, connection- and listening skills so you can lead yourself and others successfully. 



Modul 7- Your Energy matters

Learn how to use your energy to influence yourself and others without saying a word. Connect with others using the 3 universal energies. 



Modul 8- BONUS! 

3 hour workshop on zoom. Design your TEAM and create your signature culture where people want to belong. Infused by your values,  in accordance with your vision, mission and ambition. Learn how to co-create, encourage innovation, create psychological safety and learn how to manage different cultures and turn differences into opportunities.

Sign up for The Impactful Communicator

Expect to...

✔️ Become an (in)credible role model to others
✔️ Influence people with your natural presence & power
✔️ Create a community with your signature culture where people thrive & are proud to belong to
✔️ Lead with YOUR enthusiasm, impact with ease and build a business you love

If you have a team now, or plan to build one soon;


✔️A team of inspiring role models who focus on creating win-win situations

✔️ More engagement and participation, new problem solving skills & refreshing perspectives

✔️ A thriving culture where people excel & have FUN, whilst achieving results together

✔️ Passionate team members who are motivated & support each other to reach goals and go beyond any expectations


Expect to...

✔️ Become an (in)credible role model to others
✔️ Influence people with your natural presence & power
✔️ Create a community with your signature culture where people thrive & are proud to belong to
✔️ Lead with YOUR enthusiasm, impact with ease and build a business you love

If you have a team now, or plan to build one soon;


✔️A team of inspiring role models who focus on creating win-win situations

✔️ More engagement and participation, new problem solving skills & refreshing perspectives

✔️ A thriving culture where people excel & have FUN, whilst achieving results together

✔️ Passionate team members who are motivated & support each other to reach goals and go beyond any expectations


“People want to follow leaders who are inspiring role models because they dare be themselves, showing up as they are”

Lead with your passion, presence and your clear purpose, so you can inspire people to action, creating an impactful business, doing what you love  

Katrine Selvik

The Impactful Communicator

ONLY $600


  • Live weekly group coaching sessions with Katrine
  • Live weekly Q+A 
  • Facebook group and community with others
  • Lifetime access to all course content and the community 
  • Replays of all the live trainings
  • 14 days guarantee from course start

Guarantee 100 % 

I offer you security in a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied after 14 days of course start-up, you get your investment back.

We start on the 8th of June. 

You absoultely DON't need to....✔️ 


✔️ Have experience as a leader. You are already a leader of yourself. I will show you and support you every step of the way. 

✔️ Be an extrovert and love to communicate. Being an introvert could actually be your advantage

✔️ You don't need to know anything about communication and leadership, as I will guide you and teach you, on our journey together