Caught up in overwhelm causing you stress from your own thinking? 


Are you thinking about many things at once, jumping from one thought to another, while you're busy juggling life, family and business? 


I know, I have been friends with the racing mind for most of my life. 

For years, I jumped from thought to thought, creating frustration, anger and stress within me. 

Every time I gave a little piece of my personal power away.

It's so easy to turn to the familiar default mode of being even busier.. that's actually a survival mechanism.

But life is not about SURVIVAL. It's about LIVING with ease, joy and to feel GOOD (at least most of the time) 

When you feel stuck in the hamster wheel of running, you're never going to get where & what you want. 

The analysis paralysis kicks in, while you're asking yourself the question; Is this it?

When you take time to listen, you'll know the answer.

To get you started towards a life with less stress and more joy and fun, I've created a free tool for you, so you can start your journey into calm and ease through awareness of your breath.

In this 5 part video series, I will personally guide you over a period of 10 days,  practicing the magic of breathing. 


You will learn;

⭐ How breathing  

⭐ How to connect to your power through breathing

⭐ How to bring more joy and love into your life

⭐ How practicing conscious breathing calms you down and alleviates stress..

⭐ so you become more resilient, have more joy, laughter and fun in your life

⭐ while mastering everyday stressful situations, unforeseen and sudden challenges in life



❤️ Master the art of conscious breathing and navigate everyday challenges from a place of feeling calm.



Putting yourself FIRST, so you can give yourself time to reflect, feel and be more. 

Putting yourself first, makes you RESOURCEFUL and creative, so you find solutions that work, without your mind racing. 

Putting yourself first means to pay attention to you.

- to slow down

- to be more present

- to release tension and alleviate stress

- to bring more abundance into your life 

- so you can be happier, healthier and more resilient 


Become more than you are "busy" doing.


Welcome in! 


Katrine ❤️






Re-energize for a new start

Don't let overwhelm from overthinking keeping you running in the hamster wheel of stress.

This tool is a life saver to master, so you can become happier, healthier and more resilient.

"I am looking forward to our time together, guiding you through your journey into freedom from overthinking.

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